Fun fact: 70% of the world's footballs (or "Soccer" balls- for Americans) are made in Pakistan! The city of Sialkot, in the Punjab of Pakistan, has over 1,000 football factories, employing over 60,000 people!
I will always remember my first Eid ul Adha (also known as the "sacrificial Eid") in Pakistan. Any family who could afford to sacrifice a goat, bull, or camel would do so. Neighbors often came together to perform the sacrifices together. The animals were sacrificed, the blood drained, and then skinned and cut up into many portions. The animal skins were cleaned and hung to dry. At the end of the day, young men from the local madrassas (religious schools) would come through the neighborhoods with big trucks and collect the donated skins. Those skins would then, in turn, be sold and the vast majority of them would be used for making footballs!
Next time you play football, or "soccer", take a peak at where it was made. There's a good chance it was made in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
Oh, I so enjoyed learning this. Thank you.
Love the pictures and explanations of each one. We learn something new every day.